Monday, August 4, 2008

Recycled Art

When living green, what we buy is just as important as how much we are spending/saving.

So lets say you are looking for some new art. Instead of heading to your nearest department store, head on over to, and check out Cat Bishop's amazing Recycled Art! Her original one of a kind designs are created using recycled vintage items, such as clocks, cameras, toys, name it!

What an incredible way to live green with art!

Laundry Tip

When washing and drying your clothing, make sure you are using full loads if at all possible. Remember, you not only save on soap but on water and electricity also. In the long run, keeping full loads will save you more money then doing a bunch of smaller ones.

Change Your Driving Style

If you stop braking and accelerating rapidly, you can lower your gas mileage by about 7% around town and about 35% driving on the freeway. Also, remember that the speed limits are there not only for your safety but to help conserve gasoline (which also reduces harmful emissions), and thus money at the same time!

Check out the Local Farmer's Market

If you have one of these in your neighborhood they're great places to visit. Take your whole family, you'd be surprised at how much the kids will enjoy this. If you buy your produce locally you'll leave a smaller carbon footprint (the amount of carbon dioxide created doing something) since the produce doesn't have to be shipped great distances. A plus is you're also supporting the local economy!